Thursday 30 August 2012

Christless Pulpit

"Whenever a church keeps back Christ crucified,
or puts anything whatsoever in that foremost place which Christ crucified 
should always have,
From that moment a church ceases to be useful.

Without Christ crucified in her pulpits,
a Church is little better than dead carcass, 
a well without water,
a barren fig tree,
a sleeping watchman,
a silent trumpet,
a dumb witness,
an ambassador without terms of peace,
a messenger without tidings,
a lighthouse without fire,
a stumbling - block to weak believers,
a comfort to unbelievers,
a hot-bed for formalism,
a joy to the devil,
an offense to God"
-J.C. Ryle

Sunday 26 August 2012

God's Pruning Knife

God is with a pruning knife...
What is going to happen?
What is the worst thing going to happen?!
Did you see that?
God is with a pruning knife..
What is He going to do with it?!
Cluck! cluck! cluck!

Friday 24 August 2012

"Christianity is Not a Religion, It's a Relationship"

This meme made me a good laugh last week and remembered a note by an FB friend,   Richard W. Daniels, on the mentioned post modern day  Christianity cliche. Read on and get straight to the true religion!