Sunday 4 December 2011

Don't Hush-Up Divine Wrath

Don't hush up Divine Wrath! 

Summon sinners to the cross that they might flee the wrath to come and know the satisfaction of so great a salvation!

Reproduced below is an excerpt of an essay written by W.J. Grier, entitled, "The Wrath Of God.  W.J Grier made a courageous stand against modernism in the Presbyterian Church in Ulster and subsequently founded the Irish Evangelical Church (now the Evangelical Presbyterian Church).

"Once when Whitefleld was preaching at Norwich, a thoughtless youth was led by a gipsy’s forecast of his future to go and hear the great preacher. The sermon was based on John the Baptist’s appeal to the Sadducees to flee from the wrath to come. As he preached Whitefleld burst into a flood of tears and then cried with all his might: ‘O my hearers, the wrath is to come, the wrath is to come’. The words sank into the young man’s heart; they followed him for days and weeks and he could think of little else but ‘the wrath to come’. He later became, as Andrew Fuller tells us, 'a considerable preacher'. Such conviction of sin followed by genuine conversion is not likely to occur where the note of divine wrath is muted; sin is no longer regarded as ‘the abominable thing which God hates’."

Read the whole article here:The Wrath of God

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