Friday 2 December 2011

The Mourners Of Zion

Rivers of waters run down mine eyes, because they keep not thy law.” —Psalm 119:136

"Oh, for that deep realizing sense of the preciousness of immortal souls, that would make us look at every sinner we meet as a soul to be “pulled out of the fire,” and to be drawn to Christ—which would render us willing to endure suffering, reproach, and the loss of all, so that we might win one soul to God, and raise one monument to His everlasting praise! Happy mourner in Zion, whose tears over the guilt and wretchedness of a perishing world are the outward indications of thy secret pleadings with God, and the effusion of a heart solemnly dedicated to the salvation of thy fellow-sinners!"

-Excerpt from Psalm 119: An Exposition, by Charles Bridges,  originally published in 1827. Reprinted in 1977 by Banner of Truth Trust, Edinburgh.

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