Sunday 23 September 2012

What is God and George Gillespie's Prayer

Question 4. What is God?

Answer 4. God is a Spirit,1 infinite,2 eternal,3 and unchangeable,4 in his being,5 wisdom,6 power,7 holiness,8 justice, goodness, and truth.9

Scripture Proofs: (1) John 4:24. (2) Job 11:7-9. (3) Ps. 90:2. (4) James 1:17. (5) Exod. 3:14. (6) Ps. 147:5. (7) Rev. 4:8. (8) Rev. 15:4. (9) Exod. 34:6-7.  (Westminster Shorter Catechism, 1647)

The answer to Question 4 of  the Westminster Shorter Catechism did not come as easy as it is. Here is the account of the Westminster Assembly in 1647.
"In one of the earliest meetings of the Committee appointed to prepare the Shorter Catechism, the subject of deliberation was to frame an answer to the question, "What is God?" Each man felt the unapproachable sublimity of the divine idea suggested by these words; but who could venture to give it expression in human language. All shrunk from the too sacred task in awestruck reverential fear. At length it was resolved, as an expression of the Committee's deep humility, that the youngest member should first make the attempt. He consented; but begged that the brethren would first unite with him in prayer for divine enlightenment. Then, in slow and solemn accents, he thus began his prayer:
"God, Thou art a Spirit, infinite, eternal, and unchangeable, in thy being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, and truth."
When he ceased, the first sentence of his prayer was immediately written down and adopted, as the most perfect answer that could be conceived ; as, indeed, in a very sacred sense, God's own answer, descriptive of Himself. The youngest member of that Committee was George Gillespie the man, therefore, who was thus guided to frame this marvelous answer."*

But even when the Shorter Catechism can safely say the answer, it is still very hard to give a precise definition of  an infinite and magnificent God. Yet, even with our finiteness, God has chosen to reveal Himself, and certain things about Himself, to us by:

(1) The volume of creation and providence. [Psalms 100:3, Hebrews 1:3], and
(2) The Scriptures. [2 Timothy 3:15 ; Psalms 19:6]

*Presbyterian's Armory, Vol. 1, p. 28, cited in: The Westminster Shorter Catechism, With Analysis, Scriptural Proofs, Explanatory and Practical Inferences, and Illustrative Anecdotes, by Rev. James E. Boyd, Second Edition. New York: Published by M. W. Dodd; Brick Church Chapel, City Hall Square. p. 29; 1856.

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