Wednesday 14 December 2011

God's Passion For His Glory

“You see, what we need to remember, brothers, is that our God is a purpose driven God.  Three times in Ephesians chapter 1, He tells us that the gospel and the ministry of Christ is to the praise of the glory of His grace.  That's His purpose, His glory.  The ultimate purpose has not been, will never be, the eternal souls of men being saved.  That is not the ultimate purpose.  God is absolutely powerful enough to redeem every soul, had He wanted to.  The ultimate purpose is the glory of God, and sir, you will glorify God, either in Hell, vindicating His justice, that should come against a sinner like you, or either in Heaven, glorifying His grace that got you there, fully by His own doing, but you will glorify God."

“You see, God is absolutely thrilled about being God.  And He wants the universe to see the glories of who He is.  For the universe to see the glories of His love, and grace, and mercy, He needed deeply offensive, ungodly rebels, and sinners who ought to go to Hell that He could redeem, and make just, as His Son is just, and you all qualify.  That's why you're saved, chiefly to the praise of the glory of His grace.”

-Jeff Noblitt,Calvinism, A Cause For Rejoicing (November 2007)

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