Saturday 17 November 2012

Glorifying God

Here are some quotable quotes on glorifying God:

"We glorify God when our service comes from faith in His strength, because the one who gives the strength gets the glory"(Piper, The Pleasures of God , 219).
"One who is truly saved looks far above man, to Jesus, and says, 'To Him be glory.'"(McCheyne, The Believer's Joy, 69).
"The exercise of true religion and virtue in Christians is summarily expressed by their glorifying God"(Edwards, Works, 108).
"God is not glorified by self-generated righteousness or human will power. He is glorified when we both make it our aim to glorify Him and depend on Christ through His Spirit to enable us to do so"(Bridges, The Joy of Fearing God, 223).
"We cannot glorify God--either by our lives or by worship--unless we are enjoying Him"(Bridges, The Joy of Fearing God, 253).
"You do not glorify God as God unless you come into His presence with much fear and reverence of His great name. Fear in worshipping God is so necessary that many times in Scripture we find that the very worship of God is called the fear of God"(Burroughs, Gospel Worship, 124).
"A fearer of God steers the rudder of his life according to the compass of the Word"(Watson, Religion Our True Interest, 30).
"God sometimes accepts of willingness without the work (1Kings 8:18; 1Chr.28:9), but never of the work without willingness"(Watson, Religion Our True Interest, 114).

HT:  Glorifying God

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