Saturday 14 January 2012

One Hour Catechizing Equals Many Hours Preaching

    In Scotland, the Ministers are obliged by their Church rules and constitutions, to be much employed in the work of catechizing; and the good fruits of it appear, for there the people (comparatively speaking) are generally knowing and orthodox: whereas in those places where catechizing is neglected, ignorance and error do woefully prevail. 

   It is found by experience, that there is more knowledge diffused among the ignorant and younger sort by one hour catechizing, than by many hours preaching: for by the method of catechizing, the attention is provoke, as well as the understanding is instructed, and memory gratified; whilst many excellent sermons are lost through the non-attention of the hearers, or the weakness of their memories.

Excerpted from the preface of, "An Example of Plain Catechizing Upon The Assembly's Shorter Catechism by Rev. John Willison, Printed by David Niven, Glasgow, England, 1790.

Picture is from a post by Warren Cruz at Reformed Pinoy. Check the thread about The History of Catechism HERE.


  1. mang-cathechize na jud ko ani...

  2. Thank you for the realization. There is a need to recover the lost art of catechism in our churches. The time to begin is now!!!
