Thursday 11 October 2012

Worship is not About Getting a "Boost"

"The priority of the priority [in worship must be] considered. Why do we come to church? Why are we gathered? An examination of many contemporary churches today suggests that our priority in worship  is to feel good. More often than we would like to admit, we go to church in order to get our “boost” for the week…We want to be recharged so we can more effectively face the week ahead of us. Unfortunately, feeling good and being recharged are at best secondary considerations. We gather together in order to worship God. We do not come to a service of worship merely for fellowship.We do not come to the worship service to evangelize. We do not come to feel good.We come to worship. Period. While fellowship, evangelism, instruction, and socio-psycho-pneumatic healing may occur, these are by-products and not the priority. The priority is the priority of God himself. If in any way our worship does not fit what has been revealed in the Bible, and if our service of worship does not have worship as our priority, it is false worship."

-Dr. Donald P. Richmond, Worship Wars:Toward Biblical Resolution, Modern Reformation Magazine, Vol. 19, Number 5, September/October 2010,pp. 6-7.

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